
CRA Accessibility Learning Paths

The following learning paths provide accessibility training to meet WCAG 2.1 success criteria and accessibility standards from the Government of Canada (GC).

Important information

  • You are currently exploring a website that has not been officially launched yet. If you wish to provide feedback, please don't hesitate to checkout our contact us page.

    To view the current version of this website, please visit

  • Links that only work within the Government of Canada firewall are marked with internal link

Accessibility web developer

After completing the learning path, you will be able to pass the 50 level A and level AA WCAG 2.1 success criteria when developing user interfaces for web applications.

Target Audience:

  • CS-01 IT Developers
  • CS-02 IT Analyst/Developers

Block A - Introduction to Accessibility Fundamentals

Objective: You will learn about the meaning of accessibility and the Government of Canada’s accessibility standards. You will learn how to identify accessibility issues in web and desktop applications.

No. Activity Method(s) Duration Instructions/Materials
1. Accessible Canada Act Self-Study 1 hour

Provide a foundation for your understanding of existing policies.

Explain the purpose of the ACA and identify principles relevant to issues in web applications.

Read section 1 to 10 of the “Accessible Canada Act (ACA) (external link)”.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the Purpose of the ACA and how does it apply to CRA?
  2. List 3 principles that are relevant to accessibility issues encountered in web applications.
2. Technology: Accessibility Strategy for the Public Service of Canada Self-Study 1 hour

Improve your understanding of the Government of Canada’s desired state for technological accessibility for clients and employees.

Explain what the Government of Canada is doing to improve accessibility using technology.

Technology: Accessibility Strategy for the Public Service of Canada (external link)

Read “Goal 3: Make information and communications technology usable by all” of the strategy.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Explain why the current state is not sufficient to guarantee that all information and communications technology products, services and digital content are accessible.
  2. What accessibility standards should IT procurement follow?
  3. Why is it important to build accessibility into government-wide policy and standards?
  4. What can we do to improve accessibility within CRA?
3. T716 Web Accessibility for Training, Directed Self Study 2 Days

Register and complete the course T716: Web Accessibility for

For more information, visit GCCampus (external link).

4. TD2800-000 Accessibility Awareness for Application Developers Directed Self Study 2 hours

Register and complete the course TD2800-000 Accessibility Awareness for Application Developers.

5. Keyboard accessibility testing Self-Study 3 hours

Understand why keyboard testing is one of the most efficient, impactful, and easy tasks that any team member can do to find accessibility issues.

Explain what the Government of Canada is doing to improve accessibility using technology.

Read the “Keyboard accessibility testing” webpage, plus all pages that it links to.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Can you access all features?
  2. Can you operate all controls?
  3. Is it reasonably easy to tell where you are on the page?
  4. Does the focus wrap within the entire page or modal dialog?
6. Block A milestone Team Leader-led/assisted 30 minutes

You are able to explain the meaning of accessibility and its importance;

You are able to explain the Government of Canada’s accessibility standards; and

You are able to identify accessible web applications.

Meet with your direct supervisor and answer the following questions using your notes from the exercises you’ve completed during the block:

  • What is the Purpose of the ACA and how does it apply to CRA?
  • Explain why the current state is not sufficient to guarantee that all information and communications technology products, services and digital content are accessible.
  • Why is it important to build accessibility into government-wide policy and standards?

Block B - Advanced accessibility overview

Objective: You will learn about the fundamental principles of IT accessibility, standards, and testing techniques. You will be able to provide advice and guidance on the development and testing of accessible web applications.

No. Activity Method(s) Duration Instructions/Materials
1. Web Accessibility for Developers Directed Self-Study 5 Days

Web Accessibility for Developers.

You have two learning options to choose from for completing this course:

Option 1: Online course

  • To register: email your learning coordinator;
  • Cost: paid;
  • Approximately 5 hours per week, for 4 weeks;
  • How to access: Contact Ryerson University (external link) for the next date when the course will be offered.

Option 2: Reading

2. Web Accessibility Curriculum Package Training, Directed Self Study 5 Days

Online Self-Paced Web Accessibility Classes;

To register: email your learning coordinator;

For more information, visit Deque University (external link).

3. Block B milestone Team Leader-led/assisted 30 minutes

You are able to develop accessible web applications and avoid accessibility issues.

Meet with your direct supervisor and answer the following questions:

  • Learning Activity 1 – Web Accessibility for Developer:
    • How do you test web interactivity with a screen reader to ensure accessibility?
    • Explain two limitations of WAI-ARIA. How can you get around those limitations?
    • State two examples of when and when not to use WAI-ARIA. Why are the reasons for not using WAI-ARIA in your examples?
    • How would you implement effective design patterns for accessible menu bars with WAI-ARIA?

  • Learning Activity 2 - Web Accessibility Curriculum Package:
    • Why does web accessibility matter?
    • What assistive technologies and methods do people with disabilities use to access the web?
    • Name two web design considerations for two disability types. Explain why these are important?
    • Why are semantic structure and navigation important when building a web application?
    • Name two web accessibility testing techniques methodology to meet normative WCAG conformance standards at Level AA. How would you go about interpreting them correctly and accurately?

Block C - Develop accessible web applications

Objective: You will leYou will be able to design and code accessible web applications.

No. Activity Method(s) Duration Instructions/Materials
1. Develop an accessible web application and have it tested by the Accessibility Centre of Excellence Coach-assisted, Simulated work activity 3 Days

Develop an accessible web application and have it tested by the Accessibility Centre of Excellence.

Notes to learner and coach:

  1. Spend up to 2 days developing 2 to 3 user interfaces similar to the web applications you will be working on in your current team. To maximize the value of this exercise, the coach should ask the learner to include elements that they consider complex or that might be difficult to implement in an accessible manner, such as date pickers or tables.
  2. Send a testing request to the Accessibility Centre of Excellence using their Accessibility testing request form. In the details of the request, specify that this request is for the “Web application developer accessibility learning path”, and instructions on how to access the user interfaces that you have tested. If the testers need access or need to navigate to the user interfaces in a certain order, also include these instructions.
  3. Please note that due to planning and workload, the Accessibility Centre of Excellence may not be able to test your web application immediately. If possible, store your sample in a location where it will be stable and available until the center is able to test it, or provide instructions on how it can gain access when available.
  4. The center will assign an accessibility tester to examine your sample. They will send a documented list of any accessibility issues to the learner and their coach.
  5. The center will spend up to 0.5 days to discuss with the learner the criteria for success of the accessibility requirements that have not been met.
  6. The learner will spend up to 0.5 days with his coach and explain which criteria for passing the accessibility requirements have not been met.
  7. If the learner's coach determines that additional training is required, the center will make recommendations.
2. Block C milestone Team Leader-led/assisted 30 minutes

You are be able to develop an accessible web applications.

You are be able to develop an accessible web applications.

  • What accessibility standards did you follow for the development of your web application?
  • Can you access and use all the features of your web application using a simple keyboard?
  • Is the focus order coherent and intuitive on your web application?
  • Can you resize the text of your web application without breaking the layout?
  • Do all the significant images in your web application have a useful ALT text defined for them?
  • What was the biggest challenge you faced when developing your accessible web application? How did you solve it?
  • Is there something in your web application that a disabled person could not perceive? Explain why?

Accessible desktop application developer

After completing the learning path, you will be able to apply the chapter 11 and 12 success criteria of the accessibility requirements for ICT products and services (Harmonised EN 301 549) when developing desktop applications.

Block A - Introduction to Accessibility Fundamentals

Objective: You will learn about the meaning of accessibility and the Government of Canada’s accessibility standards. You will learn how to identify accessibility issues in web and desktop applications.

No. Activity Method(s) Duration Instructions/Materials
1. Accessible Canada Act Self-Study 1 hour

Provide a foundation for your understanding of existing policies.

Explain the purpose of the ACA and identify principles relevant to issues in web applications.

Read section 1 to 10 of the “Accessible Canada Act (ACA) (external link)”.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the Purpose of the ACA and how does it apply to CRA?
  2. List 3 principles that are relevant to accessibility issues encountered in web applications.
2. Technology: Accessibility Strategy for the Public Service of Canada Self-Study 1 hour

Improve your understanding of the Government of Canada’s desired state for technological accessibility for clients and employees.

Explain what the Government of Canada is doing to improve accessibility using technology.

Technology: Accessibility Strategy for the Public Service of Canada (external link)

Read “Goal 3: Make information and communications technology usable by all” of the strategy.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Explain why the current state is not sufficient to guarantee that all information and communications technology products, services and digital content are accessible.
  2. What accessibility standards should IT procurement follow?
  3. Why is it important to build accessibility into government-wide policy and standards?
  4. What can we do to improve accessibility within CRA?
3. T716 Web Accessibility for Training, Directed Self Study 2 Days

Register and complete the course T716: Web Accessibility for

For more information, visit GCCampus (external link).

4. TD2800-000 Accessibility Awareness for Application Developers Directed Self Study 1 hour 30 minutes

Register and complete the course TD2800-000 Accessibility Awareness for Application Developers.

5. Keyboard accessibility testing Self-Study 3 hours

Understand why keyboard testing is one of the most efficient, impactful, and easy tasks that any team member can do to find accessibility issues.

Explain what the Government of Canada is doing to improve accessibility using technology.

Read the “Keyboard accessibility testing” webpage, plus all pages that it links to.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Can you access all features?
  2. Can you operate all controls?
  3. Is it reasonably easy to tell where you are on the page?
  4. Does the focus wrap within the entire page or modal dialog?
6. Harmonised EN 301 549 Success Criteria Checklist Self-study 3 hours

Understand the Harmonised EN 301 549 accessibility standard that covers desktop applications (software).

Describe the Purpose of the Harmonised EN 301 549 accessibility standard that cover desktop applications (software).

Read the "Harmonised EN 301 549 Success Criteria Checklist” webpage, plus all pages that it links to.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the main Purposes of the Harmonised EN 301 549?
  2. Can the accessibility requirements from the Harmonised EN 301 549 be used as Technical Specification?
7. EN 301 549 Video Series Self-study 1 hour

Understand EN 301 549 accessibility standard that covers desktop applications (software), and documentation and support services.

Explain the functional accessibility requirements applicable to desktop applications, describe test procedures and evaluate methodology for each accessibility requirement.

EN 301 549 Video Series (external link)

Watch video “Chapter 11: Software” and “Chapter 12 and 13 of the EN 301 549”.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the two requirements for product documentation?
  2. Why are they important?
8. Accessibility discussion Coach-assisted 1 hour


  1. The importance of accessibility within the Government of Canada.
  2. How it has impacted your team and their work so far.
  3. How you expect it to have an impact on the team and its work in the future.
  4. How accessibility is built into the development process within the team and what are there opportunities for improvement?
9. Block A milestone Team Leader-led/assisted 30 minutes

You are able to explain the meaning of accessibility and its importance;

you are able to explain the Government of Canada’s accessibility standards;

and you are able to identify accessibility issues in desktop applications.

Meet with your direct supervisor and answer the following questions using your notes from the exercises you’ve completed during the block:

  • What is the Purpose of the ACA and how does it apply to CRA?
  • Explain why the current state is not sufficient to guarantee that all information and communications technology products, services and digital content are accessible.
  • Why is it important to build accessibility into government-wide policy and standards?
  • What are the main Purposes of the EN 301 549?
  • What are the two requirements for product documentation?

Block B - Develop accessible desktop applications

Objective: You will design and code accessible desktop applications.

No. Activity Method(s) Duration Instructions/Materials
1. With guidance from your coach, test a desktop application, identify accessibility issues, and discuss how to resolve them Coach-assisted 1 Day

Complete the simulations (or real examples) provided by your coach.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Identify and explain the accessibility issues.
  2. Your coach will review your work and provide feedback.

Notes for the coach:

  1. Select 1 to 2 user interfaces in a desktop application that include specific accessibility issues related to content learned in Block A.
  2. Make sure the newly developed screens will require the learner to include complex elements or elements that might be difficult to implement in an accessible manner.
  3. Assign the desktop screens to be designed and coded by the learner.
  4. Provide guidance on the steps and methodology required to complete the accessibility testing task and clarifications on expectations.
  5. If you require additional information related to accessibility testing methodology, updated accessibility testing tools, accessibility coding best practices, contact the Accessibility Centre of Excellence Helpdesk at Accessibility Services AABSS.
  6. Review the completed exercises, and schedule 3.75 hours to provide appropriate feedback.
2. Develop an accessible desktop application and have it tested by the Accessibility Centre of Excellence Coach-assisted, Simulated work activity 4 Days

Notes to learner and coach:

  1. Spend up to 2 days developing 1 to 2 user interfaces similar to the desktop applications you will be working on in your current team. To maximize the value of this exercise, the coach should ask the learner to include elements that they consider complex or that might be difficult to implement in an accessible manner, such as date pickers or tables.
  2. Send a testing request to the Accessibility Centre of Excellence using their Accessibility testing request form. In the details of the request, specify that this request is for the “Desktop application developer accessibility learning path”, and instructions on how to access the user interfaces that you have tested. If the testers need access or need to navigate to the user interfaces in a certain order, also include these instructions.
  3. Please note that due to planning and workload, the Accessibility Centre of Excellence may not be able to test your desktop application immediately. If possible, store your sample in a location where it will be stable and available until the center is able to test it, or provide instructions on how it can gain access when available.
  4. The center will assign an accessibility tester to examine your sample. They will send a documented list of any accessibility issues to the learner and their coach.
  5. The center will spend up to 0.5 days to discuss with the learner the criteria for success of the accessibility requirements that have not been met.
  6. The learner will spend up to 0.5 days with his coach and explain which criteria for passing the accessibility requirements have not been met.
  7. If the learner's coach determines that additional training is required, the center will make recommendations.
3. Block B milestone Team Leader-led/assisted 30 minutes

You are be able to design and code an accessible desktop applications.

Meet with your direct supervisor and answer the following question(s):

  • What accessibility standards did you follow for the development of your desktop application?
  • Can you access and use all the features of your desktop application using a simple keyboard?
  • Is the focus order coherent and intuitive on your desktop application?
  • Can you resize the text of your desktop application without breaking the layout?
  • Do all the significant images in your desktop application have a useful ALT text defined for them?
  • What was the biggest challenge you faced when developing your accessible desktop application? How did you solve it?
  • Is there something in your desktop application that a disabled person could not perceive? Explain why?

Web application accessibility tester

After completing the learning path, you will be able to test web applications and identify failures to meet the level A and level AA success criteria of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1.).

Block A - Introduction to Accessibility Fundamentals

Objective: You will learn about the meaning of accessibility and the Government of Canada’s accessibility standards. You will learn how to identify accessibility issues in web and desktop applications.

No. Activity Method(s) Duration Instructions/Materials
1. Accessible Canada Act Self-Study 1 hour

Provide a foundation for your understanding of existing policies.

Explain the purpose of the ACA and identify principles relevant to issues in web applications.

Read section 1 to 10 of the “Accessible Canada Act (ACA) (external link)”.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the Purpose of the ACA and how does it apply to CRA?
  2. List 3 principles that are relevant to accessibility issues encountered in web applications.
2. Technology: Accessibility Strategy for the Public Service of Canada Self-Study 1 hour

Improve your understanding of the Government of Canada’s desired state for technological accessibility for clients and employees.

Explain what the Government of Canada is doing to improve accessibility using technology.

Technology: Accessibility Strategy for the Public Service of Canada (external link)

Read “Goal 3: Make information and communications technology usable by all” of the strategy.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Explain why the current state is not sufficient to guarantee that all information and communications technology products, services and digital content are accessible.
  2. What accessibility standards should IT procurement follow?
  3. Why is it important to build accessibility into government-wide policy and standards?
  4. What can we do to improve accessibility within CRA?
3. T716 Web Accessibility for Training, Directed Self Study 2 Days

Register and complete the course T716: Web Accessibility for

For more information, visit GCCampus (external link).

4. TD2800-000 Accessibility Awareness for Application Developers Directed Self Study 1 hour 30 minutes

Register and complete the course TD2800-000 Accessibility Awareness for Application Developers.

5. Keyboard accessibility testing Self-Study 3 hours

Understand why keyboard testing is one of the most efficient, impactful, and easy tasks that any team member can do to find accessibility issues.

Explain what the Government of Canada is doing to improve accessibility using technology.

Read the “Keyboard accessibility testing” webpage, plus all pages that it links to.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Can you access all features?
  2. Can you operate all controls?
  3. Is it reasonably easy to tell where you are on the page?
  4. Does the focus wrap within the entire page or modal dialog?
6. Accessibility discussion Coach-assisted 1 hour


  1. The importance of accessibility within the Government of Canada.
  2. How it has impacted your team and their work so far.
  3. How you expect it to have an impact on the team and its work in the future.
  4. How accessibility is built into the development process within the team and what are there opportunities for improvement?
7. Block A milestone Team Leader-led/assisted 30 minutes

You are able to explain the meaning of accessibility and its importance;

you are able to explain the Government of Canada’s accessibility standards;

and you are able to identify accessibility issues in desktop applications.

Meet with your direct supervisor and answer the following questions using your notes from the exercises you’ve completed during the block:

  • What is the Purpose of the ACA and how does it apply to CRA?
  • Explain why the current state is not sufficient to guarantee that all information and communications technology products, services and digital content are accessible.
  • Why is it important to build accessibility into government-wide policy and standards?
  • What are the main Purposes of the EN 301 549?
  • What are the two requirements for product documentation?

Block B - Advanced accessibility overview

Objective: You will learn about the fundamental principles of IT accessibility, standards, and testing techniques. You will be able to provide advice and guidance on the development and testing of accessible web applications.

No. Activity Method(s) Duration Instructions/Materials
1. Full Curriculum Package Training, Directed Self Study 7 Days 2 hours 30 minutes

Online Self-Paced Web Accessibility Classes.

To register: email your learning coordinator.

For more information, visit Deque University (external link).

2. Block B milestone Team Leader-led/assisted 30 minutes

You are able to provide advice and guidance on the development or testing of accessible web applications.

Meet with your direct supervisor and answer the following questions:

  • Mid-curriculum: After completing the “Accessibility QA testing” section
    • Provide an overview the WCAG (A, AA, AAA) accessibility guidelines. Explain two criteria for success.
    • What assistive technologies and methods do people with disabilities use to access the web?
    • Why are semantic structure and navigation important when building a web application?
    • Name two testing techniques and methodologies. Explain why/how you would use them in your IT projects?
  • At the end: After completing the full curriculum
    • Name two items found in the developer accessibility checklist. Explain why they are important?
    • What are the key principles for collecting the requirements of disabled users?
    • Name two accessibility features of a mobile app (iOS/Android). Why are they important in the design and development of mobile applications?

Block C - Web Accessibility Audit

Objective: You will learn about the fundamental principles of IT accessibility, standards, and testing techniques. You will be able to provide advice and guidance on the development and testing of accessible web applications.

No. Activity Method(s) Duration Instructions/Materials
1. Professional Web Accessibility Auditing Made Easy Directed Self Study 5 Days

Professional Web Accessibility Auditing Made Easy.

You have two learning options to choose from for completing this course:

Option 1: Online course

  • To register: email your learning coordinator;
  • Cost: paid;
  • Approximately 5 hours per week, for 4 weeks.
  • How to access: Contact Ryerson University (external link) for the next date when the course will be offered.

Option 2: Reading

2. Block C milestone Team Leader-led/assisted 30 minutes

You are able to provide advice and guidance on auditing the accessibility compliance of web applications.

Meet with your direct supervisor and answer the following questions:

  • Name three types of disabilities and explain the barriers associated with web applications that are typically associated with them.
  • List three automated testing tools and describe their limitations.
  • List and explain three manual testing strategies.

Block D - Test web applications for accessibility issues

Objective: You will be able to identify accessibility issues in web applications; and provide advice on ways to resolve them.

No. Activity Method(s) Duration Instructions/Materials
1. With guidance from your coach, show that you can test a web application, identify accessibility issues, and discuss how to resolve them Facilitator/coach-led, Simulated work activity 1 Day

Complete the simulations (or real examples) provided by your coach.

  1. Identify and explain the accessibility issues.
  2. Your coach will review your work and provide feedback.

Notes for the coach:

  1. Select 1 to 2 user interfaces in a web application that include specific accessibility issues related to content learned in Blocks A, B, C.
  2. If you require additional information related to accessibility testing methodology, updated accessibility testing tools, accessibility coding best practices, contact the Accessibility Centre of Excellence Helpdesk at Accessibility Services AABSS.
  3. Review the completed exercises and provide appropriate feedback.
2. Test a web application for accessibility issues Facilitator/coach-led, Simulated work activity 3 Days

Notes to learner and coach:

  1. Spend up to 2 days testing 4 to 8 user interfaces similar to the web applications you will be working on in your current team. To maximize the value of this exercise, the coach should choose pages that include elements that they consider complex or that are likely to pose accessibility issues, such as date-pickers or tables.
  2. Submit a testing request to the Accessibility Centre of Excellence using their Accessibility testing request form. In the request details, specify that this request is for the “Web application accessibility tester learning path”, and instructions on how to access the user interfaces that you have tested. If the testers need access or need to navigate to the user interfaces in a certain order, also include these instructions.
  3. Please note that due to planning and workload, the Accessibility Centre of Excellence may not be able to test your web application immediately. If possible, store your sample in a location where it will be stable and available until the center is able to test it, or provide instructions on how it can gain access when available.
  4. The center will assign an accessibility tester to examine your sample. They will send a documented list of any accessibility issues to the learner and their coach.
  5. The center will spend up to 0.5 days to discuss with the learner the criteria for success of the accessibility requirements that have not been met.
  6. The learner will spend up to 0.5 days with his coach and explain which criteria for passing the accessibility requirements have not been met.
  7. If the learner's coach determines that additional training is required, the center will make recommendations.
3. Block D milestone Team Leader-led/assisted 30 minutes

You are able to identify accessibility issues in web applications; and provide advice on ways to resolve them.

Meet with your direct supervisor and answer the following questions:

  • Can you identify accessibility issues in web applications?
  • Give two examples of accessibility issues that you have identified. Explain why/how you identified them as accessibility issues. How can these issues be resolved?
  • Give an example of an accessibility issue that was difficult to identify. Explain why/how you had trouble identifying it as an accessibility issue. How can this issue be resolved?

Desktop application accessibility tester

After completing the learning path, you will be able to test desktop applications and identify all the failures for the success criteria in chapter 11 (Software) and chapter 12 (Documentation and support services) of the accessibility requirements for ICT products and services (Harmonised EN 301 549).

Block A - Introduction to Accessibility Fundamentals

Objective: You will learn about the meaning of accessibility and the Government of Canada’s accessibility standards. You will learn how to identify accessibility issues in web and desktop applications.

No. Activity Method(s) Duration Instructions/Materials
1. Accessible Canada Act Self-Study 1 hour

Provide a foundation for your understanding of existing policies.

Explain the purpose of the ACA and identify principles relevant to issues in web applications.

Read section 1 to 10 of the “Accessible Canada Act (ACA) (external link)”.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What is the Purpose of the ACA and how does it apply to CRA?
  2. List 3 principles that are relevant to accessibility issues encountered in web applications.
2. Technology: Accessibility Strategy for the Public Service of Canada Self-Study 1 hour

Improve your understanding of the Government of Canada’s desired state for technological accessibility for clients and employees.

Explain what the Government of Canada is doing to improve accessibility using technology.

Technology: Accessibility Strategy for the Public Service of Canada (external link)

Read “Goal 3: Make information and communications technology usable by all” of the strategy.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Explain why the current state is not sufficient to guarantee that all information and communications technology products, services and digital content are accessible.
  2. What accessibility standards should IT procurement follow?
  3. Why is it important to build accessibility into government-wide policy and standards?
  4. What can we do to improve accessibility within CRA?
3. TD2800-000 Accessibility Awareness for Application Developers Directed Self Study 2 hour 30 minutes

Register and complete the course TD2800-000 Accessibility Awareness for Application Developers.

4. Keyboard accessibility testing Self-Study 3 hours

Understand why keyboard testing is one of the most efficient, impactful, and easy tasks that any team member can do to find accessibility issues.

Explain what the Government of Canada is doing to improve accessibility using technology.

Read the “Keyboard accessibility testing” webpage, plus all pages that it links to.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Can you access all features?
  2. Can you operate all controls?
  3. Is it reasonably easy to tell where you are on the page?
  4. Does the focus wrap within the entire page or modal dialog?
5. Harmonised EN 301 549 Success Criteria Checklist Self-study 3 hours

Understand Harmonised EN 301 549 accessibility standard that covers desktop applications (software).

Explain the functional accessibility requirements applicable to desktop applications, describe test procedures and evaluate methodology for each accessibility requirement.

Harmonised EN 301 549 Success Criteria Checklist

Read the “Harmonised EN 301 549 success criteria checklist” webpage, plus all pages that it links to.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the main Purposes of the Harmonised EN 301 549?
  2. Can the accessibility requirements from the Harmonised EN 301 549 be used as Technical Specification?
6. EN 301 549 Video Series Self-study 1 hour

Understand Harmonised EN 301 549 accessibility standard that covers desktop applications (software).

Explain the functional accessibility requirements applicable to desktop applications, describe test procedures and evaluate methodology for each accessibility requirement.

Harmonised EN 301 549 Success Criteria Checklist

Read the “Harmonised EN 301 549 success criteria checklist” webpage, plus all pages that it links to.

Answer the following questions:

  1. What are the main Purposes of the Harmonised EN 301 549?
  2. Can the accessibility requirements from the Harmonised EN 301 549 be used as Technical Specification?
7. Accessibility discussion Coach-assisted 1 hour


  1. The importance of accessibility within the Government of Canada.
  2. How it has impacted your team and their work so far.
  3. How you expect it to have an impact on the team and its work in the future.
  4. How accessibility is built into the development process within the team and what are there opportunities for improvement?
8. Block A milestone Team Leader-led/assisted 30 minutes


  • You are able to explain the meaning of accessibility;
  • you are able to explain the Government of Canada’s accessibility standards; and
  • you are able to identify accessibility issues in desktop applications.

Meet with your direct supervisor and answer the following questions using your notes from the exercises you’ve completed during the block:

  • What is the Purpose of the ACA and how does it apply to CRA?
  • Explain why the current state is not sufficient to guarantee that all information and communications technology products, services and digital content are accessible.
  • Why is it important to build accessibility into government-wide policy and standards?
  • What are the main Purposes of the EN 301 549?
  • What are the two requirements for product documentation?
  • Block B - Test desktop applications for accessibility issues

    Objective: You will be able to identify accessibility issues in desktop applications; and provide advice on ways to resolve them.

    No. Activity Method(s) Duration Instructions/Materials
    1. With guidance from your coach, show that you can test a desktop application, identify accessibility issues, and discuss how to resolve them. Facilitator/coach-led 5 Days

    Complete the simulations (or real examples) provided by your coach.

    1. Identify and explain the accessibility issues.
    2. Your coach will review your work and provide feedback.

    Notes for the coach:

    Select 1 to 2 user interfaces in a desktop application that include specific accessibility issues related to content learned in Block A.

    1. If you require additional information related to accessibility testing methodology, updated accessibility testing tools, accessibility coding best practices, contact the Accessibility Centre of Excellence Helpdesk at Accessibility Services AABSS.
    2. Review the completed exercises and provide appropriate feedback.
    2. Test a desktop application for accessibility issues Facilitator/coach-led, Simulated work activity 3 Days

    Notes to learner and coach:

    1. Spend up to 2 days developing 2 to 3 user interfaces similar to the web applications you will be working on in your current team. To maximize the value of this exercise, the coach should ask the learner to include elements that they consider complex or that might be difficult to implement in an accessible manner, such as date pickers or tables.
    2. Send a testing request to the Accessibility Centre of Excellence using their Accessibility testing request form. In the details of the request, specify that this request is for the “Web application developer accessibility learning path”, and instructions on how to access the user interfaces that you have tested. If the testers need access or need to navigate to the user interfaces in a certain order, also include these instructions.
    3. Please note that due to planning and workload, the Accessibility Centre of Excellence may not be able to test your web application immediately. If possible, store your sample in a location where it will be stable and available until the center is able to test it, or provide instructions on how it can gain access when available.
    4. The center will assign an accessibility tester to examine your sample. They will send a documented list of any accessibility issues to the learner and their coach.
    5. The center will spend up to 0.5 days to discuss with the learner the criteria for success of the accessibility requirements that have not been met.
    6. The learner will spend up to 0.5 days with his coach and explain which criteria for passing the accessibility requirements have not been met.
    7. If the learner's coach determines that additional training is required, the center will make recommendations.
    3. Block B milestone Team Leader-led/assisted 30 minutes

    You are able to identify accessibility issues in desktop applications; and provide advice on ways to resolve them.

    Meet with your direct supervisor and answer the following questions:

    • Can you identify accessibility issues in desktop applications?
    • Give two examples of accessibility issues that you have identified. Explain why/how you identified them as accessibility issues. How can these issues be resolved?
    • Give an example of an accessibility issue that was difficult to identify. Explain why/how you had trouble identifying it as an accessibility issue. How can this issue be resolved?

    IT specialist’s accessibility IT

    After completing the learning path, you will be able to provide advice and guidance on how to develop and test accessible web and desktop applications, and how to procure accessible commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) applications in accordance with the standards of accessibility from the Government of Canada (GC).

    Block A - Introduction to accessibility fundamentals

    Objective: You will be able to identify accessibility issues in desktop applications; and provide advice on ways to resolve them.

    No. Activity Method(s) Duration Instructions/Materials

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